Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


The John M. Stutz Memorial Scholarship awards an annual $3K scholarship each year to an outstanding UCSD Structural Engineering student who has demonstrated aptitude and interest in the area of steel reinforced concrete.

Please see the criteria below. 

The candidate we select must meet all of the following criteria.  

  • Must be enrolled in the UCSD SE undergraduate program
  • Must be graduating by the end of the 2024-25 academic year
  • U.S. citizen or Canadian citizen
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher
  • Express interest in pursuing a graduate degree in or related to Structural Engineering
  • Express career interests related to steel reinforced concrete

For full consideration, please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the application following these directions:
    • Fully complete page 1
    • In lieu of "Work Experience" on page 2, please submit your resume
    • In the "Letters of Recommendation" section, list one UCSD faculty member that if needed, could potentially write a letter of recommendation for you. There is no need to request the letter at this time, just include the faculty name.
    • Sign and date
  2. Submit a cover letter - approximately 250 words
    • Please include your career interests, personal objectives/goals, interest in reinforced concrete, professional objectives/goals, and any other information that makes you a strong candidate. 
  3. Compile all documents in a single PDF file in the following order:
    • Completed Application
    • Resume
    • Statement
  4. Submit your full application to 
    • In the subject, please state " Stutz/CRSI Application NAME"
    • Include your PID in the email body

Deadline: August 2, 2024

Fellowship Info  CRSI Application  CRSI Memorandum (MOU)

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