Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


Students have the first formal contact with the Department of Structural Engineering through an orientation that is held at the beginning of the academic year for ALL incoming students. During orientation, a senior faculty member welcomes the students and describes the program to them as well as answers any questions. The Department undergraduate advisor is introduced to students and important policies and procedures are explained. Since all incoming students are required to take SE 1 - Introduction to Structure and Design, further introductions and descriptions about the Department, its faculty and staff, policies, and procedures, are also provided in class. This ensures that all incoming students are made welcome and get to know the Department right from the outset.

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor in their first year, and the advisor remains constant throughout the student's study at UCSD. Faculty advisors serve as direct contacts for the students and provide advice of a technical nature. Students are encouraged to contact their faculty advisor to discuss not just questions, problems, and concerns, but also progress in the degree, and advice related to careers, graduate school, and other activities. In addition, students are encouraged to meet the Chair or Vice-Chair if they have any specific concerns or queries.

Programmatic questions and routine interactions related to course registration are handled by the Undergraduate Advisor.  The Undergraduate Advisor meets regularly with the Department's Undergraduate Affairs Committee to handle all administrative matters and requests as well as to discuss student's concerns, as appropriate.  

In general, the Department does not allow deviations from the prescribed curricula. Program alterations or exceptions to stated requirements are made, only when appropriate and justifiable, via petition. The petition is first reviewed by the Undergraduate Advisor and then must be reviewed by the Chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee. In cases where prerequisites are concerned, the faculty member teaching the course is also required to review the petition prior to it being reviewed by the Chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee.

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