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Alec Ramirez receives ASCE 2017 Daniel W. Mead Prize for Students

The American Society for Civil Engineering has awarded UCSD's ASCE student member Alec Ramirez with the prestigious award of  the 2017 Daniel W. Mead Prize for Students. Their statement reads: 

In our continuing effort to enhance communications between ASCE Headquarters and the Regions, Sections, and Branches, Geographic Services is pleased to advise you that Mr. Alec Ramirez, S.M.ASCE from the San Diego Section has been selected by the Committee on Student Members to receive the 2017 Daniel W. Mead Prize for Students “For the paper, “Is it ethical for university engineering faculty to teach technical subject matter to engineering students without obtaining professional licensure?”

Congratulations to Alec! His award-winning paper can be read here

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