Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


Newly Released Data Reveals 15 Structural Engineering Faculty as Top-Cited Scientists

Newly released data from the Elsevier Data Repository includes 15 members of the UC San Diego Structural Engineering faculty. These individuals have either secured a position among the top 100,000 scientists based on their c-score with or without self-citations, or have achieved a percentile ranking of 2% or higher among the most cited researchers within their specific subfields based on career-long data up to 2022. The c-score is a comprehensive gauge, factoring in the overall number of citations received for papers where the scientist is the single, first, or last author, placing an emphasis on the impact of their published work.

The Elsevier Data Repository is a comprehensive hub for those in search of standardized information about top-cited scientists. This repository encompasses metrics such as citation counts, h-indices, co-authorship adjusted hm-indices, citations to papers, consideration of diverse authorship roles, and the c-score. Distinguished scientists representing an array of scientific fields and subfields are categorized into 22 overarching disciplines and 174 subcategories, adhering to the Science-Metrix classification standards.


Top-Cited UC San Diego Structural Engineering Faculty 

Robert Asaro - Materials
J.S. Chen - Applied Mathematics
Joel Conte - Civil Engineering
Ahmed Elgamal - Geological and Geomatics Engineering
Charles Farrar (Adjunct) - Acoustics
Alicia Kim - Aerospace and Astronautics
Francesco Lanza di Scalea - Acoustics
Chin Hsiung Loh (Adjunct) - Civil Engineering
Enrique Luco (Emeritus) - Civil Engineering
John McCartney - Geological and Geomatics Engineering
Alessandro Palermo - Civil Engineering
Jose Restrepo - Civil Engineering
Michael Todd - Acoustics
Chia-Ming Uang - Civil Engineering
Qiang Zhu - Fluids and Plasmas


This repository provides percentile rankings specific to fields and subfields for all scientists with a track record of authoring at least five papers. The data presented in this database is twofold, including information on an individual's career-long impact as well as their impact during the most recent year. The career-long data is current up to the end of 2022, while the single recent year data covers citations received during the calendar year 2022. This release, version 6, is built on a foundation of data retrieved from Scopus as of October 1, 2023, and is updated to encompass the end of the citation year 2022. The data for this endeavor was made available through Elsevier, courtesy of the ICSR Lab. All calculations were executed utilizing Scopus author profiles as of October 1, 2023.

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