Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical

Feb 18, 2021 - 7:00am
Feb 19, 2021 - 9:30am
Virtual: Zoom

The Structural Engineering (SE) Department of UCSD cordially invites you to attend the SE Research Showcase. 

The Structural Engineering Dept. at UC San Diego is one of the top academic and research entities in the field. Being the only stand-alone Structural Engineering program in the country, we focus on civil as well as aerospace structures, and our research also encompasses biological, marine, and naval structures, with a common emphasis on engineering mechanics, materials engineering, analysis, and design. Our research covers a range of structural materials and structural types, ranging from nano-materials to large-scale structures such as aircraft bodies, ship hulls, geotechnical structures, buildings, and bridges. We invite you to attend the SE Research Showcase to learn more about our programs, people, facilities, and research activities.

The Society of Civil and Structural Engineers(SCSE) at the University of California San Diego, cordially invite you to our 16th Annual SE Career Fair. 

This year SCSE is reaching out to several esteemed firms in hopes of creating an unprecedented opportunity for professionals to recruit some of the brightest students in the nation for full-time, part-time, or summer internship work.

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