Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical

Apr 25, 2023 - 7:00am
Apr 25, 2023 - 11:00am
Franklin Antonio Hall Room 4201

The UC San Diego Structural Engineering Department invites you to attend the SE Research Showcase. 

As the only Structural Engineering Department in the nation, we are at the forefront of research in civil and geotechnical structures, aerospace structures and composites, structural health monitoring (including nondestructive evaluation), and computational mechanics. Our research plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and sustainability of the built environment and transportation systems. We are developing a greater understanding of the behavior and physical response of structures across a spectrum of materials and scales, from nano- and micro-structures consisting of particle assemblies or biological structures, to large-scale structures, such as buildings, bridges, aircraft bodies, ship hulls, and naval structures. In turn, our research program is leading to advances in biological structures and human-structure interfaces.

We invite you to attend the SE Research Showcase to learn more about our programs, people, facilities, and research activities.

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