Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical

Oct 30, 2020 - 8:00am
Oct 30, 2020 - 10:00am

UC San Diego is thrilled to open registration for the First Annual Virtual DESTINATION UC San Diego Graduate Open House taking place on October 30, 2020! Join us from 8:00am-5:00pm PDT for this event designed to inform individuals about the different types of masters and doctoral programs offered at UC San Diego. Campus recruiters, faculty, and current graduate students will share information and materials on their respective graduate programs.

This Virtual Graduate Open House offers attendees interested in graduate school the opportunity to...

  • Engage with current graduate students and faculty
  • Learn about the graduate programs at UC San Diego
  • Get information about fellowships, awards and other forms of financial support, to fund your graduate education
  • Receive helpful tips about the graduate school application process

Workshops on topics like admissions, applications, and graduate life will also be available. Special speakers will welcome all attendees in our plenary kick-off session. 

Whether you're applying to a graduate program this year or not, we invite you to come and learn about what UC San Diego has to offer. 

Register for FREE and reserve your spot in this event.


Event website:

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