Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


Undergraduate Four-Year Plan

Structural Engineering - General Four-Year Plan
(ABET Accredited Program)

All courses required for the major must be taken for a letter grade, including all lower-division math and science courses.

  Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter
Freshman Year Math 20A Math 20B Math 20C
  SE 1 Phys 2A SE 3
  Chem 6A Math 18/GE Phys 2B + 2BL
  GE GE Math 18/GE
Sophomore Year Math 20D SE 9 Math 20E
  SE 101A SE 101B SE 110B
  Phys 2C + 2CL SE 110A SE 105
Junior Year SE 101C SE 102 SE 131A
  SE 125 SE 115 SE 130B
  SE 130A FS FS

Note: Students who have a 3-course writing class for their college requirements may take MATH 18 in the Winter quarter of their 1st year to leave space for a GE in Spring. 

GE = General education/college requirement.

FS = Focus sequence course. The structural engineering major includes four focus sequences: civil structuresaerospace structuresgeotechnical engineering, and structural health monitoring. For more info on specific course requirements in each focus sequence please see: Focus Sequences

FS CAPSTONE*: Most students take either SE 140A/B or SE 143A/B depending on their chosen FS with the exception of students completing the Structural Health Monitoring/Non-Destructive Evaluation (SHM/NDE) focus sequence.

TE = Technical elective course: Students must take three technical electives (TE) courses chosen from a Preapproved Technical Electives list. These courses are typically upper-division courses in the Department of Structural Engineering or other engineering departments. Students may also petition to have classes not on this preapproved list count towards their technical electives on a case-by-case basis. All technical electives must be upper-division courses (courses numbered 100 or higher).

Students should note that not all focus sequence classes will be offered every year and courses are subject to change.

Note about Math Classes: 

The recommended math sequence for science and engineering majors is the Math 20 series. Students who take the math placement exam and start with Math 3C or 4C should take Math 3C -> Math 4C -> Math 20A. We recommend Math 4C over Math 10A since it is geared towards science and engineering majors and will help students prepare for the Math 20 series. Students starting with Math 3C or 4C are also encouraged to visit the SE Undergraduate Advisor to discuss a revised academic plan.

Math 3C Revised 1st-year Academic Plan: 

With this plan, it may be best to complete summer classes at UCSD unless students can find a community college that offers back-to-back summer sessions. Math 20B & Math 20C and Phys 2A are most important since Math 20C and Phys 2A are prereqs for SE 101A. Phys 2B can be taken in 2nd year instead.

Fall Winter Spring Summer Session 1 Summer Session 2
Math 3C Math 4C Math 20A Math 20B Math 18
SE 1   Chem 6A Phys 2A Math 20C
    SE 3   Phys 2B
        Phys 2BL

Math 4C Revised 1st-year Academic Plan:

With this plan, students can complete Math 20C and Phys 2B at UCSD or at a community college. Use to determine the appropriate community college courses. Phys 2BL can be taken later if it doesn't fit well in the summer plan. Math 20C is the most important as it's a prereq to SE 101A.

Fall Winter Spring Summer
Math 4C Math 20A Math 20B Math 18
SE 1 Chem 6A SE 3 Math 20C
    Phys 2A Phys 2B
      Phys 2BL*

Information on entry-level Mathematics courses can be found on the Math Testing and Placement Website.

Civil Structures Focus Sequence

Video introduction to civil structures

Safety in buildings and built infrastructure, bridges, ports, and tunnels among various others, is of paramount importance in a community. Such structures have to resist extreme loads arising from wind and earthquakes, besides several occupancy, traffic loads, and self-weight. Students taking the Civil Infrastructure Focus Sequence will become acquainted with the latest tools to design buildings and bridges. A 2-course capstone sequence will provide students with methods for the design and testing of steel and reinforced concrete structures, leading to exciting professional job opportunities.

  Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter
Freshman Year Math 20A Math 20B Math 20C
  SE 1 Phys 2A SE 3
  Chem 6A Math 18/GE Phys 2B + 2BL
  GE GE Math 18/GE
Sophomore Year Math 20D SE 9 Math 20E
  SE 101A SE 101B SE 110B
  Phys 2C + 2CL SE 110A SE 105
Junior Year SE 101C SE 102 SE 131A
  SE 125 SE 115 SE 130B
  SE 130A SE 103 SE 150A
Senior Year SE 131B SE 140A SE 140B
  SE 181 SE 151A TE


Aerospace Structures Focus Sequence

Video introduction to aerospace structures

Students in the Aerospace Structures Focus Sequence learn about key topics which are directly applicable to future employment in companies interested in high-performance structures; for example aerospace, automotive, transportation, and wind turbine/power generation. Course topics of aircraft structure design and analysis, composite materials, and joining of composites, are all applied in an intense senior capstone design 2-course sequence in which students design, analyze, build, and test an unmanned aircraft wing structure.

  Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter
Freshman Year Math 20A Math 20B Math 20C
  SE 1 Phys 2A SE 3
  Chem 6A Math 18/GE Phys 2B + 2BL
  GE GE Math 18/GE
Sophomore Year Math 20D SE 9 Math 20E
  SE 101A SE 101B SE 110B
  Phys 2C + 2CL SE 110A SE 105*
Junior Year SE 101C SE 102 SE 131A
  SE 125 SE 115 SE 130B
  SE 130A SE 160A* SE 160B*
Senior Year SE 131B SE 143A SE 143B
  SE 142 SE 171 TE

Note: *Students must complete SE 105 before enrolling in SE 160A and must complete SE 160A and SE 160B before enrolling in SE 143A.

Geotechnical Engineering Focus Sequence 

Video introduction on geotechnical engineering

The geotechnical focus sequence provides students with an introduction to soil mechanics and its application to the design of underground structures like foundations, retaining walls, tunnels, landfills, bridge abutments, and pavements. Students will be able to sample and classify soils and then perform experiments and analyses to interpret the compressibility, hydraulic conductivity, and shear strength of soils, all of which are needed to write and interpret a geotechnical report. Design topics include shallow and deep foundations, slopes, and retaining walls. Students will learn to apply techniques to improve and reinforce soils.

  Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter
Freshman Year Math 20A Math 20B Math 20C
  SE 1 Phys 2A SE 3
  Chem 6A Math 18/GE Phys 2B + 2BL
  GE GE Math 18/GE
Sophomore Year Math 20D SE 9 Math 20E
  SE 101A SE 101B SE 110B
  Phys 2C + 2CL SE 110A SE 105
Junior Year SE 101C SE 102 SE 131A
  SE 125 SE 115 SE 130B
  SE 130A SE 103* (TE) SE 150A* (TE)
Senior Year SE 131B SE 140A SE 140B
  SE 181** SE 182** SE 184**
  TE SE 151A GE

*Since SE 151A has SE 103 as a prereq and SE 140A has SE 150A as a prereq, students should plan to take SE 103 and SE 150A as TE classes in their junior year.

**SE 181, SE 182, and SE 184 can be taken in sequence junior year as long as the student has completed SE 110A.

Structural Health Monitoring/Non-Destructive Evaluation (SHM/NDE) Focus Sequence

Video introduction to structural health monitoring

The Structural Health Monitoring/Nondestructive Evaluation focus sequence introduces students to a broadly interdisciplinary paradigm that integrates sensing and data acquisition, signal processing and information analytics, and risk-informed decision-making for the purpose of performing monitoring of structures for optimal life cycle performance. Students engaged in this focus sequence will take courses in nondestructive testing techniques, sensor and data acquisition principles, damage detection/localization strategies, advanced modeling model/test correlation, and a capstone experience in the context of a small-team consultancy project. Students with this introductory background can enter multiple sectors including aerospace companies, civil design/retrofit firms, engineering service/consultancy companies, and US government laboratories, to just name just a few.

  Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter
Freshman Year Math 20A Math 20B Math 20C
  SE 1 Phys 2A SE 3
  Chem 6A Math 18/GE Phys 2B + 2BL
  GE GE Math 18/GE
Sophomore Year Math 20D SE 9 Math 20E
  SE 101A SE 101B SE 110B 
  Phys 2C + 2CL SE 110A SE 105
Junior Year SE 101C SE 115 SE 131A
  SE 125 SE 102 SE 130B
  SE 130A TE SE 163
Senior Year SE 131B SE 167** SE 165*
  SE 164 TE SE 168

Note: SE 165 is the capstone class for this sequence and students are required to take an additional TE (4 TEs total).

*SE 167 can be taken in your junior year as long as the student has completed SE 101C.


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