Prof. Forcellini completed his master’s degree from the University of Bologna in Civil and Environmental Engineering. His master’s thesis was collaboratively developed at the University of California, San Diego with Prof. Ahmed Elgamal. During his Ph.D., he visited the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) center at UC Berkeley and worked Prof. James M. Kelly on base isolation. He worked as a bridge engineer between 2007 and 2009. Since 2009, he has been teaching at University of San Marino, where he completed his Ph.D. He taught at University of Azuay, Ecuador and he is a visiting researcher at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
The assessment of the mutual interaction between the structure and the soil is an integral part of the seismic evaluation, especially for rigid structures that are particularly sensitive. In particular, Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) effects may consist of many components such as rocking, settlements and lateral spreading that potentially interact with the superstructure, affecting its seismic performance. In this background, the seminar aims to discuss advanced modeling techniques and numerical case studies which particularly focus on the assessment of SSI effects on buildings and bridges.