Lorenzo Glielmi is a Senior Project Engineer at CRAFT | Engineering Studio who holds both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Building Engineering and Architecture from the University of Rome La Sapienza. During his last year of schooling, he studied low damage PRES-LAM structures, innovative mass timber structures with post-tension tendons, and plug & play dissipators that avoid structural damage under seismic events. He also was the recipient of a structural engineering internship at Format Engineers in the United Kingdom and worked as a structural BIM specialist on several Renzo Piano Building Workshop and Mario Cucinella Architects projects. His life-long passion for sustainable architecture inspires him to focus on timber and modular structure, automation, and handcrafted design. His focus stems from the belief that when the power of automation matches craft, design results lead to high-quality custom products for clients without neglecting the cost control and environmental impact of the products.
Join us for an insightful presentation on the evolution and future of timber tall buildings, with a particular emphasis on developments in Europe. We will begin with a historical exploration of the roots of timber construction and tall buildings. From there, we will delve into the latest advancements in technology, focusing on innovative connectors and lateral systems. Our journey will include a series of case studies showcasing prominent tall timber buildings, highlighting key projects across Europe, including the tallest full-timber building in the world.